Moon Video Trailer


Moon Fanarts and screenshots

Rank Guild Points # of players Action
1 RedBull 508 5
Members Score
1. Atheness 151
2. LeBigZ 119
3. Azur 93
4. Babs 73
5. AmouranthSubs 72
2 Diamond 154 5
Members Score
1. Driko 88
2. arbapapa 35
3. TankRed 26
4. Shineo 3
5. Jacefarm 2
3 Asgard 141 4
Members Score
1. TankAra 78
2. Ghost 53
3. SaKuRa 8
4. Maca 2
4 Titaniu.. 118 3
Members Score
1. Everywhere 67
2. Blue 30
3. Woheda 21
5 Memory 54 5
Members Score
1. XenosArba 30
2. Natsumi 18
3. Razax 4
4. stoph 2
5. Velleda 0
6 LaGuild.. 18 1
Members Score
1. Castor 18
Name Kills Score Guild Action
Atheness 4 151 RedBull
    Life 1:
  • Razax - Memory x3
  • Natsumi - Memory x3
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x3
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Shineo - Diamond x2
  • Driko - Diamond x4
  • Velleda - Memory x3
  • Castor - LaGuilde x5
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Woheda - Titanium x3
  • stoph - Memory x2
  • Life 2:
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Life 3:
  • Woheda - Titanium x2
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Driko - Diamond x1
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Life 4:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • TankAra - Asgard x3
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • Driko - Diamond x2
  • 1. Natsumi - Memory
  • 2. Blue - Titanium
  • 3. Driko - Diamond
LeBigZ 13 119 RedBull
    Life 1:
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x2
  • Blue - Titanium x3
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • stoph - Memory x1
  • Life 2:
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • Life 3:
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • stoph - Memory x1
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • Life 4:
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x2
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • Life 5:
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • Life 6:
  • XenosArba - Memory x4
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • Everywhere - Titanium x2
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Life 7:
  • arbapapa - Diamond x2
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Life 8:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Life 9:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • Life 10:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • Life 12:
  • Ghost - Asgard x2
  • Everywhere - Titanium x3
  • Life 14:
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Driko - Diamond x2
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Life 15:
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • 1. Woheda - Titanium
  • 2. Ghost - Asgard
  • 3. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 4. TankAra - Asgard
  • 5. TankAra - Asgard
  • 6. TankAra - Asgard
  • 7. Driko - Diamond
  • 8. Driko - Diamond
  • 9. TankAra - Asgard
  • 10. Ghost - Asgard
  • 11. Ghost - Asgard
  • 12. Driko - Diamond
  • 13. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 14. Driko - Diamond
  • 15. Driko - Diamond
  • 16. Driko - Diamond
Azur 12 93 RedBull
    Life 1:
  • TankRed - Diamond x3
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Life 2:
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Life 3:
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • Life 4:
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Life 5:
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x1
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • stoph - Memory x1
  • Life 6:
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Life 9:
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Driko - Diamond x1
  • stoph - Memory x1
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Life 10:
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • Life 14:
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Life 15:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • Life 17:
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Life 18:
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • 1. Woheda - Titanium
  • 2. Driko - Diamond
  • 3. Driko - Diamond
  • 4. Driko - Diamond
  • 5. Driko - Diamond
  • 6. TankAra - Asgard
  • 7. TankAra - Asgard
  • 8. Driko - Diamond
  • 9. TankAra - Asgard
  • 10. TankRed - Diamond
  • 11. Woheda - Titanium
  • 12. TankAra - Asgard
  • 13. Blue - Titanium
  • 14. TankAra - Asgard
  • 15. TankRed - Diamond
  • 16. Woheda - Titanium
  • 17. XenosArba - Memory
  • 18. Driko - Diamond
  • 19. TankAra - Asgard
Driko 11 88 Diamond
    Life 1:
  • stoph - Memory x3
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • Azur - RedBull x2
  • Babs - RedBull x2
  • Castor - LaGuilde x2
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x1
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Life 2:
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x1
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • Life 3:
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Life 4:
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Life 5:
  • Azur - RedBull x2
  • Babs - RedBull x3
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Life 8:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Life 9:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x3
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • Atheness - RedBull x1
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Life 10:
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • Life 13:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • Life 15:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • Life 17:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • 1. Woheda - Titanium
  • 2. Atheness - RedBull
  • 3. Atheness - RedBull
  • 4. Atheness - RedBull
  • 5. Atheness - RedBull
  • 6. Azur - RedBull
  • 7. Woheda - Titanium
  • 8. Atheness - RedBull
  • 9. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 10. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 11. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 12. Atheness - RedBull
  • 13. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 14. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 15. Atheness - RedBull
  • 16. Babs - RedBull
  • 17. Babs - RedBull
  • 18. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 19. Babs - RedBull
TankAra 11 78 Asgard
    Life 1:
  • Atheness - RedBull x1
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Life 7:
  • Azur - RedBull x2
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x1
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • Life 8:
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • Life 9:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x2
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x2
  • Azur - RedBull x2
  • Life 10:
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • Life 11:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • Life 13:
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • Life 14:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Life 16:
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x1
  • Life 17:
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Life 19:
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x3
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • 1. Azur - RedBull
  • 2. Azur - RedBull
  • 3. Azur - RedBull
  • 4. Atheness - RedBull
  • 5. Azur - RedBull
  • 6. Driko - Diamond
  • 7. Babs - RedBull
  • 8. Azur - RedBull
  • 9. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 10. Driko - Diamond
  • 11. TankRed - Diamond
  • 12. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 13. Atheness - RedBull
  • 14. Atheness - RedBull
  • 15. Atheness - RedBull
  • 16. Babs - RedBull
  • 17. Atheness - RedBull
  • 18. Babs - RedBull
  • 19. LeBigZ - RedBull
Babs 14 73 RedBull
    Life 1:
  • stoph - Memory x1
  • Velleda - Memory x2
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Life 3:
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Life 4:
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • stoph - Memory x1
  • Life 5:
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • Life 6:
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Life 7:
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • Life 8:
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Life 9:
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Life 10:
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Life 12:
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • Life 16:
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Life 17:
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Life 18:
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Everywhere - Titanium x2
  • Life 19:
  • Driko - Diamond x3
  • 1. TankAra - Asgard
  • 2. Driko - Diamond
  • 3. Driko - Diamond
  • 4. TankRed - Diamond
  • 5. Driko - Diamond
  • 6. Driko - Diamond
  • 7. Driko - Diamond
  • 8. Driko - Diamond
  • 9. XenosArba - Memory
  • 10. Ghost - Asgard
  • 11. XenosArba - Memory
  • 12. Ghost - Asgard
  • 13. XenosArba - Memory
  • 14. TankAra - Asgard
  • 15. Driko - Diamond
  • 16. TankRed - Diamond
  • 17. TankAra - Asgard
  • 18. TankAra - Asgard
AmouranthSubs 10 72 RedBull
    Life 1:
  • Maca - Asgard x1
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x1
  • stoph - Memory x2
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • Life 2:
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • stoph - Memory x1
  • Life 5:
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • stoph - Memory x2
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • Life 6:
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x3
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Life 7:
  • Blue - Titanium x2
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Life 8:
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Life 10:
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • Life 12:
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • Life 14:
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Life 16:
  • Driko - Diamond x3
  • 1. Driko - Diamond
  • 2. Shineo - Diamond
  • 3. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 4. Blue - Titanium
  • 5. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 6. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 7. Blue - Titanium
  • 8. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 9. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 10. TankAra - Asgard
  • 11. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 12. TankAra - Asgard
  • 13. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 14. TankAra - Asgard
  • 15. TankAra - Asgard
Everywhere 11 67 Titanium
    Life 2:
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • XenosArba - Memory x2
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Life 3:
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x1
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • Life 5:
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x1
  • Life 6:
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x1
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Life 7:
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • Life 8:
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x2
  • Life 9:
  • XenosArba - Memory x2
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Life 11:
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x1
  • Life 15:
  • Driko - Diamond x1
  • Life 17:
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x1
  • Life 18:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • 1. Azur - RedBull
  • 2. Natsumi - Memory
  • 3. Ghost - Asgard
  • 4. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 5. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 6. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 7. Babs - RedBull
  • 8. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 9. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 10. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 11. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 12. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 13. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 14. Babs - RedBull
  • 15. Babs - RedBull
  • 16. Driko - Diamond
  • 17. Atheness - RedBull
  • 18. TankAra - Asgard
  • 19. LeBigZ - RedBull
Ghost 11 53 Asgard
    Life 1:
  • Shineo - Diamond x2
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x2
  • Natsumi - Memory x3
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Life 2:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • Life 3:
  • stoph - Memory x1
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • Life 4:
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • Life 6:
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • Life 7:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • Life 8:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • Life 11:
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Life 13:
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Life 14:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • Life 15:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • 1. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 2. Driko - Diamond
  • 3. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 4. Babs - RedBull
  • 5. Azur - RedBull
  • 6. Blue - Titanium
  • 7. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 8. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 9. Blue - Titanium
  • 10. Driko - Diamond
  • 11. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 12. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 13. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 14. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 15. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 16. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 17. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 18. Babs - RedBull
  • 19. LeBigZ - RedBull
arbapapa 6 35 Diamond
    Life 1:
  • Natsumi - Memory x2
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Life 3:
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • Life 6:
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Life 7:
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • stoph - Memory x2
  • Razax - Memory x2
  • Velleda - Memory x2
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • Life 9:
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Life 10:
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • 1. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 2. TankAra - Asgard
  • 3. Azur - RedBull
  • 4. Babs - RedBull
  • 5. Castor - LaGuilde
  • 6. Babs - RedBull
  • 7. Natsumi - Memory
  • 8. Babs - RedBull
  • 9. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 10. Atheness - RedBull
  • 11. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 12. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 13. Babs - RedBull
  • 14. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 15. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 16. Azur - RedBull
  • 17. Azur - RedBull
  • 18. Atheness - RedBull
  • 19. XenosArba - Memory
XenosArba 8 30 Memory
    Life 1:
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x1
  • Shineo - Diamond x2
  • Life 2:
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x1
  • Life 4:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x5
  • Life 12:
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Life 14:
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Life 15:
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • Life 16:
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Life 17:
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • 1. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 2. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 3. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 4. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 5. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 6. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 7. Blue - Titanium
  • 8. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 9. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 10. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 11. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 12. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 13. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 14. TankAra - Asgard
  • 15. Atheness - RedBull
  • 16. Driko - Diamond
  • 17. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 18. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 19. Everywhere - Titanium
Blue 6 30 Titanium
    Life 1:
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • Life 5:
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • Life 7:
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x1
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • Life 9:
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • XenosArba - Memory x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Life 12:
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • Atheness - RedBull x1
  • Ghost - Asgard x1
  • Life 16:
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x1
  • 1. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 2. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 3. Jacefarm - Diamond
  • 4. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 5. XenosArba - Memory
  • 6. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 7. Razax - Memory
  • 8. TankAra - Asgard
  • 9. Ghost - Asgard
  • 10. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 11. Ghost - Asgard
  • 12. Driko - Diamond
  • 13. Azur - RedBull
  • 14. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 15. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 16. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 17. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 18. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 19. Atheness - RedBull
TankRed 8 26 Diamond
    Life 1:
  • Razax - Memory x1
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • Life 3:
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • Life 5:
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Life 7:
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • Life 8:
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • Life 11:
  • TankAra - Asgard x1
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • Life 12:
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • Life 15:
  • Babs - RedBull x1
  • Woheda - Titanium x1
  • 1. Azur - RedBull
  • 2. Azur - RedBull
  • 3. Atheness - RedBull
  • 4. Azur - RedBull
  • 5. Babs - RedBull
  • 6. Azur - RedBull
  • 7. Blue - Titanium
  • 8. Atheness - RedBull
  • 9. Azur - RedBull
  • 10. Atheness - RedBull
  • 11. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 12. Azur - RedBull
  • 13. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 14. Babs - RedBull
  • 15. TankAra - Asgard
  • 16. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 17. Woheda - Titanium
  • 18. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 19. LeBigZ - RedBull
Woheda 7 21 Titanium
    Life 1:
  • Driko - Diamond x1
  • Life 2:
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • Driko - Diamond x1
  • Life 3:
  • LeBigZ - RedBull x1
  • Life 7:
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • Life 9:
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • Driko - Diamond x1
  • Life 11:
  • Azur - RedBull x1
  • Life 18:
  • TankRed - Diamond x1
  • 1. Babs - RedBull
  • 2. Azur - RedBull
  • 3. Azur - RedBull
  • 4. Atheness - RedBull
  • 5. Atheness - RedBull
  • 6. Atheness - RedBull
  • 7. Azur - RedBull
  • 8. Babs - RedBull
  • 9. Atheness - RedBull
  • 10. Atheness - RedBull
  • 11. TankRed - Diamond
  • 12. Azur - RedBull
  • 13. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 14. Driko - Diamond
  • 15. TankAra - Asgard
  • 16. Atheness - RedBull
  • 17. TankRed - Diamond
  • 18. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 19. LeBigZ - RedBull
Natsumi 6 18 Memory
    Life 1:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • Life 9:
  • Everywhere - Titanium x1
  • Life 10:
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • Life 11:
  • Shineo - Diamond x1
  • Life 17:
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x1
  • Life 19:
  • Atheness - RedBull x1
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • 1. Atheness - RedBull
  • 2. Ghost - Asgard
  • 3. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 4. Ghost - Asgard
  • 5. Azur - RedBull
  • 6. Castor - LaGuilde
  • 7. Ghost - Asgard
  • 8. Atheness - RedBull
  • 9. Driko - Diamond
  • 10. Ghost - Asgard
  • 11. Babs - RedBull
  • 12. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 13. Castor - LaGuilde
  • 14. Babs - RedBull
  • 15. TankAra - Asgard
  • 16. Atheness - RedBull
  • 17. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 18. Ghost - Asgard
  • 19. Babs - RedBull
Castor 6 18 LaGuilde
    Life 5:
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • Life 6:
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • Life 8:
  • arbapapa - Diamond x1
  • Life 10:
  • SaKuRa - Asgard x1
  • Life 11:
  • Natsumi - Memory x1
  • Life 18:
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • 1. TankRed - Diamond
  • 2. Driko - Diamond
  • 3. TankRed - Diamond
  • 4. Driko - Diamond
  • 5. Ghost - Asgard
  • 6. Atheness - RedBull
  • 7. Atheness - RedBull
  • 8. SaKuRa - Asgard
  • 9. Atheness - RedBull
  • 10. Ghost - Asgard
  • 11. Driko - Diamond
  • 12. Atheness - RedBull
  • 13. Blue - Titanium
  • 14. Atheness - RedBull
  • 15. Woheda - Titanium
  • 16. Ghost - Asgard
  • 17. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 18. Azur - RedBull
  • 19. LeBigZ - RedBull
SaKuRa 4 8 Asgard
    Life 1:
  • stoph - Memory x1
  • Life 8:
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • Life 14:
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • Life 17:
  • Velleda - Memory x1
  • 1. Blue - Titanium
  • 2. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 3. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 4. Woheda - Titanium
  • 5. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 6. Castor - LaGuilde
  • 7. Blue - Titanium
  • 8. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 9. Castor - LaGuilde
  • 10. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 11. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 12. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 13. Azur - RedBull
  • 14. TankRed - Diamond
  • 15. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 16. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 17. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 18. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 19. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
Razax 2 4 Memory
    Life 8:
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x1
  • Life 15:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • 1. Atheness - RedBull
  • 2. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 3. Azur - RedBull
  • 4. Babs - RedBull
  • 5. Azur - RedBull
  • 6. Driko - Diamond
  • 7. Babs - RedBull
  • 8. Ghost - Asgard
  • 9. Azur - RedBull
  • 10. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 11. Azur - RedBull
  • 12. Atheness - RedBull
  • 13. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 14. TankAra - Asgard
  • 15. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 16. Atheness - RedBull
  • 17. Babs - RedBull
  • 18. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 19. Azur - RedBull
Shineo 1 3 Diamond
    Life 9:
  • AmouranthSubs - RedBull x1
  • 1. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 2. XenosArba - Memory
  • 3. Babs - RedBull
  • 4. XenosArba - Memory
  • 5. Ghost - Asgard
  • 6. Atheness - RedBull
  • 7. Azur - RedBull
  • 8. Atheness - RedBull
  • 9. Babs - RedBull
  • 10. Natsumi - Memory
  • 11. Natsumi - Memory
  • 12. Azur - RedBull
  • 13. Everywhere - Titanium
  • 14. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 15. TankAra - Asgard
  • 16. TankAra - Asgard
  • 17. Babs - RedBull
  • 18. Blue - Titanium
  • 19. Ghost - Asgard
Jacefarm 1 2 Diamond
    Life 5:
  • Blue - Titanium x1
  • 1. Ghost - Asgard
  • 2. Ghost - Asgard
  • 3. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 4. Atheness - RedBull
  • 5. XenosArba - Memory
  • 6. Atheness - RedBull
  • 7. Razax - Memory
  • 8. XenosArba - Memory
  • 9. XenosArba - Memory
  • 10. XenosArba - Memory
  • 11. Azur - RedBull
  • 12. XenosArba - Memory
  • 13. XenosArba - Memory
  • 14. TankAra - Asgard
  • 15. stoph - Memory
  • 16. Atheness - RedBull
  • 17. Natsumi - Memory
  • 18. TankAra - Asgard
  • 19. TankAra - Asgard
stoph 1 2 Memory
    Life 15:
  • Jacefarm - Diamond x1
  • 1. SaKuRa - Asgard
  • 2. Babs - RedBull
  • 3. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 4. Driko - Diamond
  • 5. Driko - Diamond
  • 6. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 7. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 8. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 9. Babs - RedBull
  • 10. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 11. Ghost - Asgard
  • 12. Azur - RedBull
  • 13. Atheness - RedBull
  • 14. Atheness - RedBull
  • 15. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 16. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 17. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 18. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 19. Azur - RedBull
Maca 1 2 Asgard
    Life 1:
  • Castor - LaGuilde x1
  • 1. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
Velleda 0 0 Memory
  • 1. AmouranthSubs - RedBull
  • 2. Babs - RedBull
  • 3. Babs - RedBull
  • 4. Ghost - Asgard
  • 5. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 6. Atheness - RedBull
  • 7. Atheness - RedBull
  • 8. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 9. Azur - RedBull
  • 10. Atheness - RedBull
  • 11. Azur - RedBull
  • 12. LeBigZ - RedBull
  • 13. TankAra - Asgard
  • 14. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 15. SaKuRa - Asgard
  • 16. arbapapa - Diamond
  • 17. Castor - LaGuilde
  • 18. TankRed - Diamond
  • 19. SaKuRa - Asgard